The Chief Report - Movie Blog

Monday, July 11, 2005

House of Flying Daggers

Am I the only person who was bored silly by House of Flying Daggers? Did I go in expecting too much? All I know is, I hate starting a movie, then stopping it without finishing it, but the only way I made it through this movie was to fast forward the last half hour. That's the great thing about subtitled movies; you can fast forward and not miss much. Beyond music I suppose, but I didn't really care.

You've got this group called the Flying Daggers who are like the Robin Hood's of their time. So of course people want them dead, blah blah blah. Basically there's a hot blind chick and a couple of guys who like her. Should have been more action and better fight scenes. Not that they were bad, just not very original. The movie certainly looked good, but I don't remember being that bored sitting on my couch before. Too bad, I had really looked forward to this one. I suppose if you like martial arts films you might like it, but I didn't care for it very much. Really glad I didn't spend money to see it in a theater.


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