The Chief Report - Movie Blog

Monday, June 27, 2005

Blade: Trinity

I bought this portable DVD player a couple weeks ago, and finally got to use it on a train trip back from DC yesterday. So the first movie I watched (beyond a short film I made) was Blade: Trinity, the movie that will most likely be the last in the Blade films. Wesley Snipes once again stars as the titular hero, this time bringing Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel along for the ride. It seems people don't believe Blade is a vampire hunter; they think he's just killing people for fun. So the police and FBI are after him. Then it turns out Dracula is back from the great beyond and looking to get rid of the vampire hunter. Guess who wins?

The best part of the movie was Ryan Reynolds, who brings his quirky comedic touch to an otherwise normal vampire film. Although now that I think about it, the fact that the bad guys were vampires didn't have much to do with anything. Anyhoo, Reynolds cracks jokes left and right and it made me laugh. Although the best line in the film came from the little girl who said something like 'My friends are gonna kick your ass' to Dracula. Who wouldn't love to say that to Dracula?

The movie wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. It was good mindless entertainment that passed two hours of a train ride. If you travel a lot, I highly suggest you buy a portable DVD player. They kick ass.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Pauly Shore is Dead

I think Pauly was on Howard Stern a few weeks back and I heard him talking about this new mockumentary he put together called Pauly Shore is Dead. Otherwise I'm not sure how I decided I wanted to rent this. The story is basically that back in 1997, after the disasterous debut of his Fox sitcom, Pauly Shore decides his career is dead. So, after discussing it with the late Sam Kinison, Pauly decides to kill himself, figuring that being a person who dies before his time is much better than being alive and being a loser. Except, Pauly doesn't actually kill himself, he only fakes death, which ends up backfiring when his ruse is discovered a week later. He ends up in jail and when he comes out he's on top of the world. Sort of. The movie features a ton of cameo appearances from the likes of Ben Stiller, Charlie Sheen, the Hilton Sisters and others. It looks like it was shot on video, so the production values are cheap, but all in all, it wasn't a horrible movie. Pauly is still kind of annoying but the idea wasn't bad. It had some funny moments and some really stupid ones, but rolling along at less than 90 minutes, it wasn't a bad way to spend an evening. And it shows what you can do for a budget of $20.